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6th Term-1 English Notes Of Lesson - July week-3

Notes of Lesson for the Sixth English -the July 3rd week- The Apple Tree and the Farmer (Supplementary)

Teaching of Supplementary

Standard : VI

Topic : The Apple Tree and the Farmer

Theme  : Age is inevitable as one day each and everything will age and will perish but what keeps humanity going is memory.

Learning Outcomes:
E: 603:responds to oral messages, telephonic communication in English and
communicates them in English or home language..
E :605: reads a variety of texts in English / Braille and identifies main ideas,
characters, sequence of ideas and events and relates with his/her personal experiences

Introduction & Motivation:
• How does tree breathe?
• Why do trees need to breathe?
• How do trees make clean earth?
• Why we cannot live without trees?
• Can the earth breathe?
• Why trees are called Lungs of the earth?

Guided Reading:
The teacher reads the Supplementary with proper stress, pause, and intonation. Students listen silently at
the first time. Second time they repeat after the teacher. They read in small groups.

TLM: New words chart, and images.

Teacher’s activity:
Before explaining this story, the teacher also explains the new words with the help of
chart. The teacher explains the lesson in simple words through video. And actions.

Student’s activity:
Choose a favourite part of the story and have students role-play it. Volunteer students
to briefly explain the content explained by the teacher in front of other students.

Consolidation and Presentation: (Write in order mode)
• Once lived a farmer in a village with a large apple tree on his farm. It had provided
delicious apples for his family since his childhood.

• His daughter and her friends played around the tree, just as he had done when he was
young. The tree had become a home for many animals, birds, and insects.

• However, since it no longer bore fruit due to old age, the farmer decided to cut it down
and plant vegetables instead.

• As he started chopping the tree, the animals and birds created an uproar, and his
daughter pleaded for its preservation.

• Despite their pleas, the farmer persisted. Suddenly, he spotted a small apple on the tree
and bit into it, triggering childhood memories.

• Realizing his daughter deserved the same joy he experienced, he abandoned the axe and
vowed not to cut the tree.

• Explore the texture of bark.
• Document the Changing of Seasons in Pictures
• Go On a Tree Hunt
• Write about the benefits that animals and birds receive from trees

• How might the story's outcome have been different if the farmer had ignored the pleas
of his daughter and the animals, and continued to cut down the tree?
• What are some possible symbolic meanings behind the farmer's change of heart and his
decision to preserve the tree?

• How does the presence of the apple tree contribute to the overall well-being of the
ecosystem in the farmer's village?
• In what ways can the preservation of natural habitats, like the apple tree in the story,
positively impact local biodiversity and wildlife populations?

• How might the farmer's childhood memories and experiences with the apple tree have
influenced his perception of its value and the importance of preserving it?
• What broader life lessons can be drawn from the farmer's realization that the joy and
memories associated with the apple tree should be passed on to future generations?
Remedial Teaching:
The teacher gives oral drills, reading practice for the late bloomers. They use the
internet source to enrich their skills.

They write the writing practice by follow the teacher. They write the book back exercises... read
and understand, vocabulary, listening and writing.
Follow up work:
Write a poem about “Tree” in your own words.

  My positive Greetings to all my Tamil Nadu ELT teachers,

       Use the English Notes of  lessons shared here for your better teaching.  

[Competency,Teacher's Activity & Student's Activity included. Adapt these to suit your own teaching style] 

       Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to help of your superior teaching. Post here your best comments to improve myself.

Prepared by
Sethuraman Ramalingam, B.T., Asst, (Eng.), M.A., B.Ed., C.E.L.T, (M.S.W.),
Tamil Nadu-IX Standard English Textbook Committee Author,
Sendurai Edn dt,
Ariyalur (DT)- 621804.

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